
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Geek Night 02/23/2011

My first Geek Night in four weeks. Two of those didn't occur due to icy roads in the DFW metroplex.
Tonight we had ten people show up to the ThoughtWorks office in Addison.

Graham Brooks claims he was relearning ruby (for the fifth time in ten years).
Paul Nelson and Cosmin Stejerean worked on a patch to QWiki.
Latish Sehgal and Jack Carter worked on a way to port VS2010 extensions between instances. (Last week Latish created an extension for VS2010 to shut down Cassini instances).
Greg Heartsfield and Jeffrey Dang worked on Greg's fermata project.
Christina worked on the Story Navigator application.
Richard Jensen worked on learning some of the XStream api for a possible future project.

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